Health Habit Health Store
Kim Langille, call (902) 895-1660
805 Prince St., Truro, N.S. Canada
B2N 1G7
The Healthy Habit
Offers many ways to enrich your health.
- Quality vitamins and herbals
- Extensive selection non-irradiated and organic dried herbs, very popular for infusions and poultices
- Aromatherapy essential oils, helpful relaxors for massage, baths and steam inhalations
- Nutritional food supplements-added insurance for our busy lifestyle
- Herbal bodycare products-listed in Allergy Enrironmental Health Association
- Herbal tinctures and extracts; giving you the benifit of better assimilation and potency; also very economical
- Helios Homeopathics
- Bach flower remedies
- Herbal vinegars and preserves
- Nova Scotia organic teas
- Macrobiotics
- Free range eggs
- Honey sweetened snacks
- Sport nutrition
- Menu ideas and recipes
- Personal, professional and private discussion
Healthy Habit Story
While living among the women and men of the Canadian Rockies I became aware of the need to change our ways toward a healthier lifestyle. There, while sharing in this wonderful way of life, I began a journey of professional training in alternative therapies. I am now a student of holistic therapy, with emphasis on the complete individual- the integration of the body, mind and spirit. Through the Healthy Habit Health Store, I would like to share a quaint environment in which to escape from our busy world and enhance our goals of a healthier lifestyle. Come in and surroundyourself with the comforting colours of the sea. Calm your mind with the sounds of natures symphonies, smell the relaxing herbal aromas and sip from a complimentary cup of herbal tea.
Why Herbals?
The Greek Medical thinker Hippocrates stressed the concept of healthy living. Illness was seen as a reflection of a person's poor lifestyle. A good diet, exercise and happiness were regarded as the cornerstones of health. Treatment was always geared towards supporting these cornerstones wherever possible.
Because botanicals, or herbs, were once living, they carry a pattern of life energy. It is this essence of life itself, that makes herbals an essential part of the healthy lifestyle for a healthy body theory.
Humans, being intimate partners with our planetearth, have, over millions of years, adapted our physiological needs, those of our physical bodies, to acquiring this "life force" from the materials around us. This herbal essence of life is the very fuel of our good health.
The fruit which represents Healthy Habit is the rosehip, from the beautiful and abundant wild rose. After the rose petal's fall, the rose hip, bearing the plants seed, remains. Every fall a heathy harvest of Nova Scotia's Vitamin C is available for picking, right here in Truro. Did you know the rosehip is touted as the Swedish beauty secret?
"For Every Disease We Know, God Allows A Herb To Grow"
Thank you for stopping by, Kim